Book Creator

Dennison Sept Digital Citizenship

by Angel Gallegos-Jung

Pages 10 and 11 of 12

5 Popular Internet Myths
Myth: Social media turns kids into cyberbullies.
Truth: There are many reasons why a kid might cyberbully, and social media is just a convenient way to do the dirty work.
The reality is that kids who engage in this behavior typically have outside factors that cause them to act out. They might be in crisis -- at home, at school, or otherwise socially. . Awareness of a cyberbully's circumstances -- though not excusing the behavior -- can help parents and educators recognize the warning signs and potentially intervene before it goes too far.
Myth: Teaching kids not to talk to strangers is the best way to keep them safe online.
Truth: Teaching kids to recognize predatory behavior will help them avoid unwelcome advances.
In today's world, where kids as young as 8 are interacting with other online they need to know the boundary between appropriate and inappropriate conversation. Go beyond "stranger danger" and teach them what kind of questions are not OK (for example, not OK: "Are you a boy or a girl?"; "Where do you live?"; "What are you wearing?"; "Do you want to have a private conversation?").
Myth: Social media alienates kids.
Truth: Most kids say social media strengthens their relationships. 
Most kids want to have fun, hang out, and socialize normally online -- and in fact, according to current research, that's what the majority is doing. Check out these comforting stats:
57 percent of all teens have made new friends online
84 percent of boys who play networked games with friends feel more connected when they play online 
68 percent of teen social media users have had online friends support them through tough or challenging times
And how about the kids who've fought cyberbully and used the internet for a social cause? More and more, kids are harnessing the power of the online world -- and busting up a few myths along the way.
Myth: It’s dangerous to post pictures of your kids online.
Truth: If you use privacy settings, limit your audience, and don't ID your kids, it’s pretty safe.
Although it's true that posting anything online invites some risks, there are ways to limit them if you're smart about how you do it.
Use privacy settings. Make sure your privacy settings are set so only the closest people in your network can view your posts.
Limit your audience. Only share posts with close family and friends. Or use photo-sharing sites such as Picasa and Flickr that require a log-in to see pics.
Don't rush your kids into social media. Obey the rules about keeping kids under 13 off social media. Once your kids have an online profile, they can be tagged in photos, which magnifies their online presence. If you're going to upload photos of them, don't identify them and don't tag them -- that way the photo can't be traced back to them.
Myth: Parental controls are the best way to monitor my kids’ online activities.
Truth: Focusing on only one Internet safety method lulls you into a false sense of security.
To keep your kids safe online -- and to raise them to be responsible, respectful digital citizens -- it takes more than installing parental controls. For starters, parental controls can be defeated by determined kids. They also often catch too much in their filters, rendering any Internet search useless, and they set up a "parent vs. kid" dynamic that could backfire.

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