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Curriculum Newsletter - Spring Term 2023-2024

by Aspire - Sandy Hill Academy

Pages 2 and 3 of 44

Forthcoming events:

9th - INSET Day. School & Nursery closed to pupils
12th - 16th Half term holiday
19th - Return to school


5th - St Piran's Day. Cornish celebration & themed lunch
7th - World Book Day. Themed lunch & dress as your favourite book character.
15th - Red Nose Day. Non-uniform day (Wear red)
20th - Songfest 2024, Bodmin (Choir club)
25th - Final week of after school clubs
27th - Rocksteady Concert (9am)
28th - Last day of Spring Term. 2pm finish
29th - Good Friday Bank Holiday. School & nursery closed


1st - 12th Easter Holiday
15th - Summer Term starts. Children return to school
We would welcome any feedback you may have on our half termly newsletters. Please contact the school office using the following email address to share your comments. Thank you.

Head of School Welcome
Another half-term has absolutely flown by. I am filled with immense pride to see how our children continue to flourish as learners and as people, driven by an extremely talented and dedicated staff team.Together, as a school community, we continue to lay the foundations for our children’s futures.

It is amazing to see the youngest children in the nursery becoming increasingly independent and inquisitive. In reception, the children continue to forge strong foundations for their learning journey, from learning how to read and communicate with a widening vocabulary to collaborating effectively with others. Across the school the children have continued to develop a range of skills and knowledge across the curriculum - from developing fundamental movement skills in PE and creating superb constructions within Design Technology, to perfecting grammatical knowledge and striving to beat personal bests within times tables and arithmetic.

As the days get brighter and longer, we look forward to seeing our children experience even more with trips and exciting activities being planned.

Thank you for your continued support

Jack Walker – Head of School