Book Creator

#GoalsProject SDG #7

by The Students of 5Iovino/Harrington, 5th Grade

Pages 2 and 3 of 8

The Global Goals for Sustainable Energy

Goal 7:
Affordable and Clean Energy
By the students of 5Iovino/Harrington
Redwood School
West Orange, NJ
United States
What's the goal/Why?

SDG goals #7 affordable and clean energy makes sures that people can afford energy around the world. And ensures people can count on the energy that they are getting. Energy should be current and up to date so it will make their lives easier. People should not be burning harmful materials to cook or have light sources.

By: Max,Natalia,Sanaa,Hayden
How many people are living without electricity, and what is the effect on them?

How many people are living without electricity? Well 1 out of 10 people don't have electricity and are suffering. In places like Sub Saharan Africa there are about 573 million people without electricity. Many women and girls spend countless hours to get water,to cook food,and take showers. People can't even run hot water for a bath or to turn the lights on. Additionally , students can't do their homework at night and clinics can't even store medicines to prevent sicknesses.

Ben,A.J, Kenan, Shanise,and Ava
I have access to electricity. Why should I care about this goal?

You should care about this goal because burning fossil fuels affects climate change and impacts people's well being and environment. Global electricity is rising constantly. Without a stable electricity supply, countries will not be able to power their cities and neighborhoods.
LeiLani, Jordan R., Jonathan, Amelia
What we want for the whole world
What would it cost to switch to more sustainable energy?

The world needs to triple its investment in sustainable energy infrastructure per year from about $400 billion now to $1.25 trillion by 2030. This includes pushing harder to find clean and efficient energy to heat up stoves that are harming our health. The areas with the greatest energy deficit are sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. They need our help to improve energy access. By lowering our emissions they can improve theirs.
What can we do to fix these issues?

We can fix these issues by focusing on energy efficient practices and adopting clean energy including hydro-power, solar power, and wind power. This means we need to stop polluting and use sustainable energy. That way buisnesses can help protect ecosystems and make more eco-freindly electricity sources. We can save electricity by turning off electronic objects when not in use. Businesses can protect ecosystems and commit to sourcing 100% of working electricity needs from renewable sources.

Laila, Frankie, Eric, Atera, Jayden
What Can We Do To Fix These Issues? Part II

Countries can invest in renewable energy resources and can start using sustainable energy. Also, countries can use more reliable and affordable types of energy to reduce spending money. Businesses can adapt to cleaner energy sources by investing in sustainable and reliable energy sources. Employers can lower their amount of energy for traveling using less energy. Investors can give money to build more sustainable energy services. Finally, what can WE do to help save our Earth?! When you are not using the lights or other electronics, keep them off! As you can see, saving energy is very important in all different ways!

Rhyan,Ari,Jordan,Aaron,Billy, Jayden