Book Creator

4th grade library

by Nancy McClary


4th Grade Library
Chapters 9&10
Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo
Hi 4th grade! This week I will read chapters 9 & 10. We will have the chance to meet some new characters. I'll be asking you a bunch of questions as we read. If you would like, please email me with your answers, I would love to hear from you! THANK YOU to those who have done so already! I love it.
Chapter 9
Do you think Opal would make friends without Winn-Dixie? Why or why not?
Personification - Personification means giving human traits to objects or ideas. Opal thinks Winn-Dixie smiles. This is an example of personification because dogs don't smile and show they are happy the same way humans do. While I am reading can you find another example of personification in the story? Can you think of another example that would show this in everyday life?
Chapter 10
Opal lives in a trailer park that might look something like this.
In our story, Opal moved to Naomi, Florida. This is not a real town, but Florida is a real state.
New Characters
Gloria Dump - Winn-Dixie ran into her backyard. She is old and can't see very well.
Stevie and Dunlap Dewberry - brothers who warned Opal about going into Gloria Dump's yard

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