Book Creator

5th Grade Library

by Nancy McClary


5th Grade Library
Chapters 3 & 4
Annemarie is the main character in Number the Stars, a novel set in Denmark during World War II (1939-1945). In its simplest form, this historical novel is the story of two ten-year-old girls and the hardships they face while their country is occupied by German Nazis. In a much broader sense, it is a story of the entire Danish nation and its people.
Chapter 3 - Where is Mrs. Hirsch
Did You Know?
Jews were not the only victims of Adolf Hitler's desire to create a master race. The Nazis also killed:
* Gypsies
* Elderly People
* Mentally Handicapped and Physically Challenged Adults
* People with Epilepsy
* People with Mental Illness
* People to ill to work
* Jehovah's Witnesses
* People of Slavic Nationality
Something to think about?
Would you ever be willing to risk your life for another person? Under what circumstances might you take this risK?
Chapter 4 - It Will Be a Long Night
Vocabulary Preview
Contempt - feeling of scorn toward a person or thing
exasperated - extremely annoyed
imperious - bossy or bullying in an arrogant way
intricate - very detailed
sabotage - destruction of property or interference with activities as a part of an effort against an enemy

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