A new book

by Jacob Quililan


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"Hi! My name is Jacob, so I hear you Found a new planet. I would like to Hear more about it," He explained.
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"I'm Sam, But okay," Sam responded.
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Jacob questioned, "Okay, Our readers would like to know, where is your planet in the solar system?" 
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"Well it's located in between Earth and mars, but is closer to Earth, It's measured to be 134 Million kilometers from the sun, it's one of the inner planets," Sam stated.
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"Some planets have moons or rings, does yours?" Jacob probed.
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"No, it is a inner planet, so it does not have any moons or rings,"said Sam.
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"Okay, so how is it similar to the surrounding planets?"asked Jacob.
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"Well, earth is blue, and mars is red, so mix them together, to get purple," replied Sam.
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"I don't really get why I have to ask this, but what would it like visiting this planet?" Inquired Jacob. 
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"First, there's no oxygen so you would't be able to breath, and it's very rocky, so you might slip," Sam declared, "What other questions do you have for me?"
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"This the last one, how did you decide on the name of your planet?" Jacob reported.
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"Well, we mixed earth and mars to get Mariga," Sam announced.
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"Alright, so this has been great. I believe we will be running this next week!" Jacob proclaimed.
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"Thank you so much. I hope you'll be able to interview me in the near future," Answered Sam.
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