Book Creator

Scared Arthur, Mum and Dad

by Amelia Denning

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Scared Arthur, Mum and Dad.
By Amelia Denning
In the middle of the night, Stanley Lambchop was sleeping in his quiet bedroom with his little brother Arthur.
In the in the room, there was a large bulletin board with a massive space where Stanley posted 10 holiday pictures and the beach ball.
A small table in the middle of the room was overflowing and Arthur slept beside Stanley.
The bulletin board was too heavy and it crashed right on Stanley.
Stanley did not know what had happened.
When Arthur found Stanley, Arthur got scared.
He ran downstairs and screamed.
Mum! Dad! Stanley's hurt.
Speech Bubble
Mum and Dad got worried, so they ran straight upstairs and dashed to pick up the bulletin board off him.
Stanley could still walk, talk and seemed fine.
They went to the doctor's.
And the doctor said he has never seen this case.
She said Stanley will be fine.