Book Creator

Group 5

by Lisa-Maria Prittinen

Pages 2 and 3 of 15

Made by: Josefin, Julia, Lucia, Liisa and Sintija
Spanish students arrived to Kalajoki by taxi about at 14.00. Rest of the students arrived at 19.30. Their hosts took them home.
In the morning we came to school :)
After that we had some icebreaker activities with William!!!<3 We created teams and tried to drop eggs without breaking them. While that we got to know each others better. Then we went to eat lunch, we had fish soup and bread. Then we had a little break and after that we went back to the classroom. We played quizlet about finnish words. After that every country showed their presentations about scamper method. Then we started to make these books.
Cultural evening
We went to school at 6.00pm. Every country brought their national foods and prepared the tables. And then we just ate :)
Our trip to Oulu
We came to the school in the morning and our bus left at 8.40. In the bus teachers gave us some snacks and then we had tongue twister competiton. We arrived to Oulu about at 10.00. First we went to Tietomaa science center. There we had a little bit free time, we watched the film and after that we had more free time. Then we went to the museum and watched old phones and computers. After that we had a lunch in a restaurant called "Hilikku". THE DESSERT WAS GREAT<3 After lunch we had about 1,5hour free time in the shopping centre called "Valkea".
On Wednesday we came to school and we had a following lessons and then the student agents taught us something about coding. After that we made some kind of table games in different international groups. Then we played the games and then we wrote this books :)