Book Creator


by 5A-Leeman

Pages 2 and 3 of 19

By Grade 5A - Leeman
The sea turtle and the seal.
Once apon a time there was a turtle named Gabe. And he was swimming in the water. Then all of a sudden a shark named Kayden DASHED to get Gabe but a seal named Logan distracted him and he swam away...
Gabe swam for his LIFE! Then he knew he had to return the favour. so he swam to the land and he said "if the shark comes again I will protect you". sounds good Logan replied.
Logan saw the shark and told him, Gabe just ignored Logan and swam away...

By: Gabe
Comic Panel 1
Comic Panel 1
Comic Panel 1
Comic Panel 1
The Bear And the Spider :) Presented by Gabriel J
There once was a bear roaming through the wood who spotted a spider the spider was just hanging around the bear tried to get it but the spider squirmed "i should just cut your web and eat you whole!" said the bear the spider said "if you let me go ill do something good for you" please!" the bear thought about it you know what ill let you go but that promise better be true you puny little rat! a week passed and the spiders promise still hasent came true until the bear got shot by some hunters the bear squirmed but the spider came in and tied the hunters up with webs the spider saw the wound and patched it up with some serious webbing then the bear thanked the spider and roamed off into the woods
The moral of the story is to never judge someone because of how small or big they are. They can also do as much things as you!
Lion and the dog
There was once a dog who met a lion the lion tried to eat the dog but the dog said wait can’t we just be friends and the lion said fine. Then the lion was in trouble with a big rhinoceros so the dog distracted him and the lion got away, the lion said thanks and the dog said no problem and now they are loyal friends. The moral of this story I’d friendship is power !
By: Logan
There was a bird name Mut he loved fish. Mut tried to catch a fish but he accidently went around the world and he was now in Brazil.
By: Mason
Moral don't go too fast
the wolf said can I have some meat ok here. lion said can I have some grass why don't you eat less your almost bigger then me what did you say to me. you heard me. mabe I did take it back i'm not someone you wont to mess with i'm warning you ok i'm also warning you to Keep you words to your self that's 3 boom where did the hippo go said the wolf the lion said in my stomech do you wont be next NOOOOOOOOOO said the wolf bye.
the lion the wolf and the hippo
By Hannah
the moral Keep your words to your self cause you might say it to the wrong person.
I wish the elephant would get eaten they have to be in charge I don't like them so much or I hope they go to the pride rock and the lions get them all I’ll tell them the lions won’t then they will go cause they're not very smart.
The herd
Be careful what you wish for or do to people
Hi everyone. who is ready to learn woof woof yesssssss I can’t wait. What is 5+5=pup shouts out don’t shout out spirit yes it’s 10 good job. What is 5+1=shouts out again woof woof stop shouting out you get one more chance to sit and raise your hand ok fine spark go on its 6 ok what is 12+12=shouts get out of the class it’s 24 everyone.
Don’t shout out just listen you won’t get in trouble