Book Creator

Letters to the Tempest

by Mary

Pages 4 and 5 of 18

Yellow Rose and Solomon's Seal
The gentle breeze sweeps through my lonely garden,
Oak leaves sway in their canopies, twisting,
and few break their grasp, and drift towards the 
ground, locked in a fervent twirl
until they touch the soft moss below,
dotted with beads of morning dew.

We are no longer oak leaves who dance
together on the same branch.
I fear I drift away from you, to rejoin the earth
we were dancing above all this time,
as we ran through thick meadows of yellow and white,
without a thought for what was to become of us.

Now I feel time moving around me,
I feel the change in the air just before rain,
the crispness of a storm yet to come.
The wind runs through the beds of iris and roses,
and as this garden begins its waltz again,
under the graying, hazy sky,
I mourn.