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How the Piglet got its flat nose.

by Sophie

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How the piglet got its flat nose!
By Sophie Straw
When the world began, new habitats formed, a frantic pig who lived in a farm in England, was always in a rush. No one new why or even where he was rushing to, he just bolted from one place to the other. Pig had dappled black and beige patches all over his body, small floppy ears, short stubby trotters, wiry hair and a curly tail.
One morning, a horse, - light bay in colour with soft silky fur- trotted over to pig. “Good morning pig! I’d like to inform you that we are having a race on Saturday, would you like to join us?” Announced horse grandly. Filled with annoyance, Pig grunted rudely, before kicking mud into horse’s face, “Uggggghhhhh you’re a rude creature!” Whined horse. Cheekily, Pig smiled dashing away into the distance.
A day later, Sheep- with wool chalky and fleecy- ventured over to Pig.” Hey mate wer’ havin’ a big feast if yaw anna come?” Pig chuckled and grunted rudely before covering Sheep in squelchy mud. “Ya won’t get away with that ear’ me!” But Pig had already gone.
The next evening, Cow- golden with ivory horns- lumbered over to pig, “Hello dear were having a party in the barn if you would like to join?” Smirking Pig turned grunting rudely before kicking mud into cow’s face, “Ooooohhhhhhh!” cow howled. Watching Pig dart off into the night an idea struck cow.
That night, cow held a meeting with all the animals, Pig had rudely turned his back on. There were lots of brilliant ideas but cow decided to go with sheep’s idea. (They would all chase pig and he would run away and as he is the fastest animal on the farm he won’t be able to slow down. They will chase him towards the farm house and BANG)!
Early the next morning, when pig was snuffling around in the mud, the group jumped out startling pig. He began to run! Everything was going according to plan……


Run!” shouted cow to sheep.
“Ok ok! I’m coming!” called back sheep.
Confused at what was happening, why the animals were chasing him. Looking back on the them pig didn’t realise he was metres away from the farm house…
 CRASH! “Ooooowwwwweeeee!” Squealed pig in pain. 
 CRASH! “Ooooowwwwweeeee!” Squealed pig in pain. Looking in a puddle at his reflection, to his horror he saw that his nose had been pushed back.
Walking back to his sty in shame, all the other animals burst out laughing, “He deserves it,”
“Serves him right!”
“Ha Ha!”
From that moment on, pig has always had a flat snout. Now pig doesn’t dare to be rude to another animal again.

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