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by Nathaniel

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ALL about Cicadas
by Nathaniel
What do they look like?
Do you know an insect that has two regular eyes and three small eyes in the middle of it's head? It's the cicada. Cicadas grow up to be 1 to 2 inches or 5.2 to 5 centimeters long. Most cicadas are a dark color. Like all insects it has six legs. Cicadas have four wings.
Where they live
What falls to the ground and digs a hole? It's the cicada. A baby cicada lives in the ground. All adult cicadas live in trees. All Cicadas live everywhere except the Arctic and Antarctica.
What they eat
Do you know what a cicadas eats? They suck up sap from roots. Cicadas also eat a plant whole. But they do not eat tree bark.
Interesting facts
All cicadas have five eyes.
Some live up to seventeen years
Male cicadas sing to find a mate.
Female cicadas lay six hundred eggs at a time.
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