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Legacy Fights


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Legacy - Fights
There was peace many centuries ago... Until one man changed it all... On September 6th, 1973 there was a man with the name of Stinkbait and a women name FancyAxolotl, they joined and wanted one thing, war. Well except for FancyAxolotl because she wanted to become rich and have no war but she couldn't achieve her dream. They had peace always until one day something happened and it all fell to the ground...
All the people thought it was The____Dog__ but some wise man named Technoblade_02 said no, it was actually Stinkbait and FancyAxolotl. No one listing to him because he talked way to much. He talk from 2 am to 2 am the next day. He talked and talked and talked. This time he said the truth that it was actually Stinkbait and FancyAxolotl but even though he kept on and on about saying that is was Stinkbait and FancyAxolotl but still no one thought it was them. He was sent to prison for being a "mad man" and sentenced for 1 year but in prison he kept saying who it was. So then he went back in the court room and the Judge sentenced him to death...
The war was brutal because the Visualizers were the rebels and the moneys were the Yankees and the best men on the rebels and the Yankees were fighting. By the end of the month 1.2 million people were dead for the Yankees team and only 386 thousand people were dead on the rebels team so it looked like it was going to be a win for the rebels but in the second week 4 million men were dead in the Yankees but 6.7 million were dead on the rebels team so the Yankees came back. The third week you could tell it was a deadly battle and very intense because you could see canons being fired, guns being shot, swords being swung, and buildings were collapsing. Overall after the third week about 57.4 million people had died and 103.6 million people had been injured. By the end of the month the war was over.

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