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Celia's story

by Celia García Crespo

Pages 2 and 3 of 5

The night before Christmas, Santa Claus was preparing to go to deliver presents to all the kids in the world.
He was very hungry, so he ate a whole box of Christmas cookies and then fell asleep.
When it was time to go to give the children their Christmas' gifts, Santa Claus did not wake up.
One of Santa's assistants was evil and he went to tell the others that he had a plan for Santa, and they could see that his plan had worked;
They had poisoned Santa because they did not want any child to have a Christmas present.
A few hours later, when Santa would have to be handing out the gifts, he was still passed out and when the parents went to see if Santa had come they realized that there was no gift.
They were surprised and what they did was go down to the Chinese shop to buy presents for their children.
When the children woke up, they opened the presents and began to play.
When everything had passed,the assistants went to see if Santa had recovered or died, and indeed he had died.
Then they took all their things from the North Pole to the South Pole so that no one would know it was them.
And since that day, Santa has never given gifts again.
And in future years the parents will have to go to buy gifts for their children.
But they still don't know about that.
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