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Book about Books

by McKenzie Morton

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By: McKenzie Morton
Book about Books
The Rainbow Fish
Author/Illustrator: Marcus Pfister
I remember seeing this book when I was in preschool so I was about 4 or 5 years old and this was one of the books that I loved the most because of its color when I was younger and the shiny scales on the fish. This book is about the fish being an individual and the value of it as well as learning to share. I remember that I did not like to share when I was younger and this book showed that you cant be selfish when it comes to sharing.
Author/Illustrator: Don Freeman
I remember having this book read to me in either first or second grade at school by the librarian named Mrs. Casper. I loved when she would read books to us and this book was one of my favorites because I liked how much it was like Toy Story with the stuffed animals coming to life. This book is about how Corduroy went to find his button since no one wanted him because he was missing something but when a little girl sees him she doesn't care about that and just likes exactly how he is. I remember the little girl when I was younger and remembered how sweet she was toward Corduroy.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Author/ Illustrator: Eric Carle
This book is about a caterpillar who eat a lot of things and then eventually turns into a caterpillar. It teaches kids how to count and how the cycle of a butterfly comes to be. I remember being read this book at school and it was a very popular book I think I was in kindergarten and everyone loved this book. I remember the colors and how bright everything was in the book. In kindergarten I think we even after reading this book we had caterpillars grow into butterflies and we watched them grow everyday which was really cool to me.
Geronimo Stilton Series
Author: Elisabetta Dami
Illustrator: Larry Keys and Matt Wolf
These books are about a mouse who is a writer but finds himself going on all of these adventures and then proceeds to write about them. I loved these books when I was in fourth grade because they brought me so much comfort. They were mystery novels at times which I loved mystery stuff as well at that time. These were the only books that I read that year and anytime a new one came to the library I would read it. They kept me intrigued at all times and I would even read them at home which wasn't normal for me in fourth grade.
A Child Called "It"
Author: Dave Pelzer
This book is about a child who had to endure an abusive mother almost all of his childhood. The things that she did to him were heart wrenching reading it and I felt so bad and I cried while reading this book. I could never imagine my mother hurting me the way that this mother hurt this boy and its a true story. I was in high school when I read this book and we read this book aloud in class together. It changed my perspective on how I was raised and I was grateful that I did not have to go through that as a child and I was very grateful for my parents after reading this book.

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