Book Creator

Planet Discovery!

by Karissa C

Pages 2 and 3 of 8

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Planet Discovery!
Reported By Karissa Camacho
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"Hello mary grAce!" Karissa exclaimed, "Would you like to tell me about your planet that you recently discovered?"
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"I would love to, thanks for asking!" Mary grace said, getting ready to answer some questions.
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"First off, what's the planet's name?" Karissa questioned, "How did you come up with the name?"
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"The planet's name is merida!" Mary grace replied, "the name comes from the disney movie 'brave'."
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"Some Planets have moons." Karissa Started, "what about yours?"
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Mary grace answered, "My planet has 17 moons!
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"I wonder if mary grace's planet has any rings...." Karissa wondered.
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"My planet also has 1 ring!" Mary grace cheered.
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"Mary grace," Karissa began, "How is your planet similar to its surrounding planets, and where is it located?"
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"Well, it's two surrounding planets are saturn and uranus. merida is located 946,896,747 km from the sun!" Mary grace explained, "merida is big and cold, like saturn and uranus. it has a ring like saturn and uranus, and many moons like most outer planets do."
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"What would it be like visiting this planet?" Karissa thought out loud.
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Mary grace responded, "It would be extremely cold, just like uranus!"
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"It would also be stormy, and There would be some high winds!" Mary grace continued.
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"Thank you for taking this interview!" karissa Burst out.
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"You're welcome! this was really fun!" Mary grace declared.
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The End!