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A Whole Child Framework: The MTSD Story

by Amy Rex

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A Whole Child Framework: The MTSD Story
August 2018 - A New Journey Began in the MTSD
Know Your Why

It is not our title that generates our energy, inspires our creativity, or confirms our commitment. Instead, it is our WHY that gives us purpose, drives our ambition and unites us. And for us to be the very best we can be and to continue to stretch and grow, we keep that WHY in the forefront.
October 2018: Setting the MTSD Stage
During this time, the MTSD Leadership Team presented its intention to work and practice with ALL stakeholders to develop the MTSD Vision for Learning.
“A shared vision is not an idea… it is rather a force in people’s heart… at its simplest level, a shared vision is the answer to the question “What do we want to create?” (P.Senge)
January 2019: The Design Process Begins
Effective School Governance
The MTSD Board of Trustees is responsible for assuring a vision of learning.
They are in the strongest position to carry out this work when they are engaged with their community, clear in their vision for education, and unified in their direction. 
The Work: January - June
The MTSD staff, our students and members of the community engaged in various structures to collaboratively develop a district Vision of Learning.
The MTSD Board of Trustees Summer Retreat
MTSD Board of Trustees reviewed all related vision documents at their summer retreat and completed a first draft of:
1. A Vision Statement
2. A Theory of Action, and
3. Three District Themes
The MTSD Leadership Team, with the support of various school based and district committees and teacher leaders, will continue the work and begin to draft a comprehensive 3-5 year strategic plan.
Vision of Learning Summer Work
Using the vision work to date, three Leadership Team Tasks:
1. Identify the components of the Whole Child Framework
2. Identify the learning expectations for Social Emotional Learning
3. Create a visual that communicates our vision of learning so that ALL stakeholders understand the direction of the MTSD