Book Creator

Healing Herbs

by Paola Masciulli

Pages 4 and 5 of 37


E’ indicato per diabetici, nei casi di gotta, di idropisia di origine cardiaca, di calcoli renali, di reumatismi, negli eczemi.
E’ la presenza di fosforo e di vitamina B che lo rende indicato in tutti i casi di astenia. Sono il manganese e la vitamina A che esercitano un drenaggio del fegato e quindi hanno un benefico effetto sui legamenti, sui reni e sulla pelle. Contiene inoltre l’asparagina, costituente di molte sostanze proteiche; e poi zucchero, calcio, fosforo, sodio, magnesio, potassio, tutti elementi componenti delle ossa, del sangue e dei tessuti. E ricordiamo le preziose vitamine, pure queste ospiti dell’asparago: A, B1, B2, C e PP. Fu apprezzato fin dall’antichità: Dioscoride, Galeno e Celso infatti lo consigliavano come diuretico e lassativo. Cuocere gli asparagi in pochissima acqua, così da non disperdere i sali contenuti in essi.

It is indicated to decrease glicosuria in diabetics,cases of gout, hydropysia of cardiac origin, kidney stones, rheumatism, eczema. It is the presence of phosphorus and vitamin B that makes it indicated in all cases of asthenia. It is manganese and vitamin A in it that exert drainage of the liver and therefore have a beneficial effect on ligaments, kidneys, and skin. It also contains asparagine, a constituent of many protein substances; and then sugar, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, potassium, all components of bones, blood, and tissues. And finally, we remember the precious vitamins, also these guests of asparagus: A, B1, B2, C and PP. It was appreciated since ancient times: Dioscorides, Galen and Celsus in fact advised it as diuretic and laxative. Always remember to cook the asparagus in very little water, so as not to disperse the salts contained in them.

It is indicated to decrease glicosuria in diabetics,cases of gout, hydropysia of cardiac origin, kidney stones, rheumatism, eczema. It is the presence of phosphorus and vitamin B that makes it indicated in all cases of asthenia. It is manganese and vitamin A in it that exert drainage of the liver and therefore have a beneficial effect on ligaments, kidneys, and skin. It also contains asparagine, a constituent of many protein substances; and then sugar, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, potassium, all components of bones, blood, and tissues. And finally, we remember the precious vitamins, also these guests of asparagus: A, B1, B2, C and PP. It was appreciated since ancient times: Dioscorides, Galen and Celsus in fact advised it as diuretic and laxative. Always remember to cook the asparagus in very little water, so as not to disperse the salts contained in them.