Book Creator

Rae's Family

by Joely Frankenbush

Pages 4 and 5 of 7

A few hours after arriving at the pool Rae and her family start cleaning up pieces of trash. After cleaning up litter on the pool for 30 minutes, Rae and her family finally start to feel like the pool is clean again. The next morning Rae is strolling along the pool and notices more piles of trash.
The next day Rae goes back to the pool and notices more trash in the pool. Rae informs her family about the trash and they work together to find a new solution. They try to scoop it in a pile. Three hours later a big windstorm comes to the pool and blows all the trash into the pool. Swoosh swoosh.The next day they notice that the windstorm pushes all the trash into the pool.

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