Book Creator

Oskar Schindler

by Magda Myszko

Pages 4 and 5 of 17

When the German started to relocate Krakow's Jews to concentration camps, he argued with them that all his workers were essential and after several minutes they all went back to the factory. In early 1943 the Plaszow work camp opened and every employee was sent there, however, in 1944 they were supposed to go to the death camp Auschwitz-Birkenau. Göth - the commandant who ran the Plaszow camp allowed Schindler to make a list of “essential” people for the new factory where they stayed until the war ended. After the war, Oskar and his wife, almost penniless fled to Argentina. They spend the rest of their lives supported by donations by the Schindlerjuden. Oskar Schindler died on 9th October in 1974 at age 66 and was buried in the Mount Zion Roman Catholic Franciscan Cemetery. In 1993 Steven Spielberg brought his story to the big screen with his film Shindler’s List starring Liam Neeson as the brave man. 
Fig. 2
Liam Neeson as Oskar Shindler