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Our Erasmus-Plus-Project 2019-2022 Living in the Age of Migration - Knocking on People´s Doors, Knocking down Prejudices

by Erasmus teams Lüdenscheid, Dubrovnik, Molfetta, Lisbon

Pages 4 and 5 of 108

Our Erasmus-Plus-Project 2019 - 2022
Living in the Age of Migration - Knocking on People's Doors, Knocking down Prejudices
This ebook contains 4 chapters that sum up the experiences and presentations of the four partner teams in this 3-year-project inmidst a pandemic.

Chapter I pp. 3 - 34
Team Germany:
Städtische Adolf-Reichwein-Gesamtschule, Lüdenscheid,
coordinating school

Chapter II pp. 35 - 74
Team Croatia:
Ekonomska i trgovacka skola, Dubrovnik

Chapter III pp. 75 - 89
Team Italy:
ITIS "G. FERRARIS", Molfetta

Chapter IV pp. 90 - 107
Team Portugal:
Erasmus Plus 2019 - 2022
Living in the Age of Migration - Knocking on People's Doors - Knocking Down Prejudices
About our project:
„Living in the age of migration – knocking on people‘s doors – knocking down prejudices“
Our Erasmus-Plus-Project was founded by four teams based in Italy, Portugal, Croatia and Germany.
Once the teams had found each other, we decided to deal with the topic of migration, which was back in early 2019 a pressing topic for each country. Team Germany volunteered to coordinate the project.
For our 2-year-project we planned a staff training in Germany to start with, followed by 4 projects meetings in each participating country evolving around different aspects of the topic. Our application was approved in summer 2019 and all teachers and students involved started full of enthusiasm.
But nobody expected what was going to happen!
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OUR ERASMUS TEAM 2019 - 2022
Team Germany / Coordinating school:    
School: Städtische Adolf-Reichwein-Gesamtschule / Europaschule in Lüdenscheid / Germany
Teachers:  Ralph David, Astrid Ebnicher, Theresia Vogel, Alessa Held
Students:  about 12 students from year 9 to 12 took part
Team Italy:         
School: ITIS "G. FERRARIS", Molfetta , Italy
Teachers: Francesco del Vescovo, Vincenzo Russo, Isabella Fasciano
Students: about 12 students from year 9 to 12 took part
2019 - 2022
Team Croatia:
School: Ekonomska i trgovacka skola, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Teachers:  Suzana Đurđević, Anita Kondrić, Nikolina Rubin Mojaš, Nataša Brailo
Students:  about 12 students from year 9 to 12 took part
Team Portugal:    
Teachers: Maria Isabel Le Gué, Rosa Maria Monteiro, Fernanda Sobral,
Students:  about 12 students from year 9 to 12 took part, some students left school and new ones joined in the 3 years course of the project
This was our original 2-year- program which unfortunately could never be implemented
1. Staff training in Lüdenscheid Germany, October 2019
2. Project meeting in Lisbon, Portugal, February 2020
4. Project meeting in Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 2020
3. Project meeting in Molfetta, Italy, May 2020
5. Final project meeting in Lüdenscheid, Germany, May 2021
Staff training in Lüdenscheid/Germany - October 2019
Aims and proceedings of our staff training:
This staff training in October 2019 was conducted to introduce teachers of participating schools to the projects ideas and proceeding. Team Germany prepared a 5 day meeting which concentrated on questions like:
- What is etwinning and how to use it
- Working with twin space
- How to create an ebook
The rest of the time was spent with planning the project, setting up a timetable for project meetings and procedures how to reach our aims as stated in our application. Socialising and team building activities rounded off this successful first meeting. 
Some impressions from our staff training - October 2019
This is the official invitation for our staff training in Lüdenscheid 
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