Book Creator

Job Interview from Scratch

by Ivana Opačak

Pages 6 and 7 of 61

Your CV should be
"flawlessly professional & easy to navigate"...
Use a word processing program
like Microsoft Word or Google Docs.

Keep the formats simple
by sticking to a clean and crisp font
that can be easily read.

The color scheme should be
basic black text on white background.

Two A4 pages is usually enough
to tell your story without boring readers.

Use bold headings
to divide the sections of your CV.

(Paula, 4C, using the video)
Don't be tempted...
... to use fancy fonts and wacky color schemes
in a bid to standout!

This will look unprofessional
& could make the CV difficult to read. 

(Paula, 4C, using the video)