Book Creator

5ème Marie Curie Terror at the White House

by Valérie SANDRE

Pages 2 and 3 of 53

Table of content
The Teddy Bear

The Horrible Friendship

The Devils and Obama

Spooky Story in Washington DC 

A Spooky Night at the White house 

The Terrifying Ghost in the Teddy Bear

The Night of Halloween at the White House

The Mystery of Lincoln's room
pages 4-5

pages 6-7

pages 8-9

pages 10-11

pages 12-13

Pages 14-15

Pages 16-17

pages 18-19
The Teddy Bear
This story began on a Halloween night of 1907. It was a full moon and Roosevelt was at the White House with his Teddy bear named Teddy. When this one broke a very old chinese vase. It was at the corner of a table and Teddy unintentionnally broke it.
When the president found out, he was very angry and he killed the Teddy bear with a piece of the vase. He tore out the cotton of the bear and he called a servant named Charlie to wash the floor. To calm down, he went to the Ford's Theatre.
While, at the White House, Charlie was cleaning the floor when he saw the Teddy bear with his head in his hands.
He was terrified and he decided to run away. He went upstairs to the attic and waited. When he was sure that the Teddy bear wasn't there, he left the attic and he went downstairs.
He arrived at Roosevelt's room, and he saw that the Teddy bear was there, with a knife in his hands. Charlie wanted to run away but Teddy was faster and he killed the servant.
At that same time, Roosevelt arrived at the White House, and went to his room to sleep. But he couldn't because he saw Charlie dead.
So he looked for the Ghosts Catchers to catch Teddy and to kill him.
Laura and Maria
The Horrible Friendship
The night of Halloween in 1907, president Teddy Roosevelt was in the White House. He was angry with his teddy bear because it had wrongly answered a letter. Teddy was sad and angry, left and he decided to break a Chinese vase. 
Charly, the maid, listened and went away to speak to Roosevelt. Roosevelt went running to see what happened, and he saw the Chinese vase was broken. He was looking for the teddy bear, and he found it under the table. He took one piece of the vase and he cut the neck of the teddy bear.
At night, Teddy Roosevelt went to the Ford’s theatre, Charly was in the White house cleaning the room of Teddy Roosevelt, and in the corridor he could hear footsteps. He went to look and he saw teddy bear as a ghost.
Teddy's ghost, entered in the body of Charly, and Charly was possessed by Teddy.Teddy, as the body of Charly , went to Ford’s theater to kill Roosevelt . When the play finished he killed him.

Andrea and Ximena
Teddy's ghost, entered in the body of Charly, and Charly was possessed by Teddy.Teddy, as the body of Charly , went to Ford’s theater to kill Roosevelt . When the play finished he killed him.

Andrea and Ximena
The Devils and Obama

13th of January in 2012, the end of humanity came. The devils  conquered and subdued the whole humanity.
Everything started on the 6th of January in 2012, on a stormy night.
In hell, the devils created a portal that led them to the basement of the White House. No one noticed what was happening.
Two hours later people could see in the sky a red shadow. They were surprised and a lot of them called the police. The communication was out of order.
The people went to the White House from where the red light was coming. President Obama heard noise outside. He opened the window and saw all the people in front of the White House. Obama decided to go outside. In a few seconds, demons attacked the whole country .