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Encountering Vimy Ridge

by Logan Underwood

Pages 2 and 3 of 29

Canada was often referred to as highly successful and an effective fighting force. Their contribution was well heard around the world in many large battles especially if you take into account the size of Canada at the time. 
Canada is unlike any country in the world. We participate in numerous peace keeping missions every year. All this has become an identity of Canada. It’s hard to believe that this identity of effective military operations wasn’t started in the trenches of WW1. As the years have passed we have proven our stature again and again. This identity has transcended our military into our very own culture. 
 It is easy to overlook the strife and struggle of every soldier. Waking up every day with death and despair on the horizon. Every day in world war 1 Canadian soldiers experienced this unmeasurable struggle
Record here an explanation of why you feel this represents Canada’s role in World War I.