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Consequences of selling and consuming contaminated meat


Pages 4 and 5 of 25

Nutritional Properties of Meat & Consequences of Selling and Consuming Contaminated Meat
Contaminated food
Whether it’s at home or within the work environment, proper food handling is important. Many of us already know some of the key rules to proper food handling, especially in terms of when we’re preparing and/or cooking it. But sometimes improper food handling does occur, and the consequences can be very serious. 

Chapter 1: ....................... pages 3-4

Chapter 2: ....................... pages 5-6

Chapter 3: ........................ pages 7- 11
Chapter 1: Consequences of Selling and Consuming Contaminated Meat
Meat is very good for our health and body, meat gives us nutrients and protein that make good for our body, but bad meat can also have very bad consequences in our body like diseases but some diseases can be detected before buying the meat. The date of consumption can be altered by the seller that means that you can’t trust the date that the seller gives you.

Eating intoxicated food can be very bad for your stomach as it can give you very serious poisonings, some of which are diarrhea and stomach pain. Another thing that intoxicated meat can cause you is the high probability of cancer since it has a series of components that when adding compounds for its preservation (especially nitrites). 
Also some consequences of selling contaminated food are: If a company sells contaminated food, they could have legal issues and even lose their business.
There are so many companies that have lost their business, but if they hadn’t sold contaminated meat they wouldn’t have lost their company. But when it comes to consuming , so many people wouldn’t be sick, if they hadn’t eaten contaminated food. Or even there’s people who get intoxicated , if people hadn’t eaten the contaminated meat , they wouldn’t have gotten intoxication. 
Due to Meat being a food of high protein value and of greater consumption in the country It is necessary to know in what condition it is, as well as how it can be contaminated and how it can deteriorate in the same way.
Chapter 2: Device that helps detecting contaminated meat 

Slogan: “ yes you’re smart but the Pro-Meat is better, faster & easier”
The advantages and the impact on people’s life and in the meat industry : Meat is a very common and healthy food that most people buy and consume but as we all know they’re not always in a good state. Sometimes they’re contaminated, and it can affect your health, so buying this device “Pro- Meat” helps to detect if they’re contaminated or not. In a easier, faster and healthier way. 
Do you think that food safety risk assessors and public health authorities have an important role in meat quality evaluation? 

Yes, because risk assessors evaluate scientific data to determine whether the evidence is strong enough to show that a substance has the potential to cause harm. They study the nature of these health effects and, when possible, calculate a safe level of exposure, and public health authorities are looking to see if meats are okay on time. 
Chapter 3: Device “Pro-Meat”
Scientific method
The device we are designing is called the “Pro-Meat”. It’s machine where you can easily detect if a meat is decomposed by knowing the correct temperature of it, when you put the meat on top, knowing that Food-poisoning bacteria grow and multiply fastest in the temperature danger zone between 5 °C and 60 °C. It is important to keep high-risk food out of this temperature zone.
The device works by checking if the meat is well cooked, if the temperature is in a good point, it also checks color and odor of it ( the color a kind of red) to measure the physical properties of meat while is raw and how the molecules work, to figure it out the color and state of the meat. Something really basic about the meat is that when Myoglobin in meat which is what gives it its pink/red hue. Myoglobin denaturation is responsible for the color change between raw and cooked meat. 

Question: What works better using a device or common sense to detect the state of meat?

Information or research needed: As we know eating decomposed meat is bad for our health, but there’s 2 ways to detect the state of the meat, by a professional device and by common sense like when you see the color of it and the odor.

Hypothesis: Everyone has a different way to cook their meals especially when it comes to meat, some people already know everything that they should do for the meat to get a good and healthy flavor but  there’s also a few people don’t know and use advice they trust that is good or sometimes they even don’t do anything. 

Experiment: 2 people will buy, check and cook meat with what they know, and another 2 people will do the same as the first two buy with the device, so we can calculate what’s better or what’s more effective.

Conclusion: In conclusion using devices are usually easier and better for “beginners”. The device we designed “pro-meat” has everything a device to detect contaminated meat needs.
Scientific method

Question: What works better using a device or common sense to detect the state of meat?

Information or research needed: As we know eating decomposed meat is bad for our health, but there’s 2 ways to detect the state of the meat, by a professional device and by common sense like when you see the color of it and the odor.

Hypothesis: Everyone has a different way to cook their meals especially when it comes to meat, some people already know everything that they should do for the meat to get a good and healthy flavor but  there’s also a few people don’t know and use advice they trust that is good or sometimes they even don’t do anything. 

Experiment: 2 people will buy, check and cook meat with what they know, and another 2 people will do the same as the first two buy with the device, so we can calculate what’s better or what’s more effective.

Conclusion: In conclusion using devices are usually easier and better for “beginners”. The device we designed “pro-meat” has everything a device to detect contaminated meat needs.
Physical properties

Hardness: It is related to the state in which the meat is, if it is old or new, and it is an indicator of how long the meat has been exposed for sale.

Boiling point: It’s related because you need to cook the meat on a specific point.

Mass: It’s related to how much kg, or grams you will consume. 

Color: The meat needs to be in a red-pink color to know that’s in a good state.

Temperature: The meat needs to be in a certain temperature for it to be okay.

Size: It depends on the size of the meat, for example: if the size is small it will cook faster than a bigger size.

Odor: It is related to what the meat smells like.

Weight: How much does the meat weight.

Length: How long will a size of meat will be cut.

Texture: It is related to how the meat feels, if it’s good or not.