Book Creator

Ayanda's Story

by RC

Pages 2 and 3 of 6

Ayanda's Story
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Ayanda started school at Royal Drakensberg Primary School in 2011. He could only speak Zulu when he started, but now Ayanda can speak, read and write in English. Ayanda said that he was very lucky to be able to go to a school that felt like his "home away from home."
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Ayanda's dream when he grows up, is to have a job where he can combine agriculture and business. He hopes to become successful enough to uplift his family and to be able to support them like they have supported him his whole life.
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Ayanda's younger sister is a student at Royal Drakensberg Primary School, and his mother also works at the school. RDP helped to prepare Ayanda for his current school by teaching him proper communication skills. He misses his teachers and the beautiful environment.
The teachers at Royal Drakensberg Primary School were fortunate enough to have Ayanda come back for a quick visit. He answered a few questions about his current school, family and some of his favourite memories of RDP.
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"How did RDP change your life?"
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"How does it feel to be back for a quick visit?"
"Can you tell us a little about yourself and your family?"
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"What is your favourite memory of Royal Drakensberg Primary School?"
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Ayanda spoke a little bit about his hopes and dreams for the future. He is willing to work hard to achieve what he wants to accomplish, and he sets such an incredible example for his little sister.
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"What are your hopes and dreams for the future?"
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"Who influenced you the most during your time at RDP?"
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"How did RDP help prepare you for your current school?"
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Ayanda agreed to join us on the Big5Hike on the 25th of May. He is looking forward to the hike and possibly seeing some of his old friends who went to Royal Drakensberg Primary School with him.
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"What do you miss most about RDP?"
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"What career path are you thinking of following?"
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"Are you looking forward to the Big5Hike?"
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