Book Creator


by Nilgün Sezer

Pages 2 and 3 of 51

*Students will
learn the cultures, trends and daily life routines of the other countries
*Foreign language proficiency will improve
*Learn to collaborate with peers and parents in mixed teams for a common goal
*Develop digital competency
*Develop social and artistic skills
*Acquire environmental consciousness
*Understand the importance of teamwork
*State and learn preferences of their peers and parents , discover similarities and differences
Project Timetable

OCTOBER: Logo (Students create a logo for the project and choose the best one)
OCTOBER / NOVEMBER: Meeting (they will introduce themselves , school and city)
NOVEMBER: Sports ( Students will introduce and play a traditional sport in school with their parents)
DECEMBER: Jobs(Students will choose a traditional job and introduce it,interview the person)
JANUARY: Celebrations ( students will choose a feast and other partner will prepare an invitatIon card for it. It will be a mixed country team work.)
FEBRUARY: Traditional and interesting habits at home ( students will introduce their interesting and traditional beliefs, habits and daily routines)
MARCH: Biographies (Students will choose an important figure in the past and other partner will introduce it doing roleplay, preparing video or booklet. It will be a mixed country team work.)
APRIL: Songs (Students will listen to songs from the participating countries and will write a new version of them in English )
MAY: Celebrate eTwinning day and Evaluation ( students will create an ebook to show all Works, fill the evaluation form)