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Disruptions Within Seycove

by Spencer Laube


  definition of the word ‘disruption’

A disturbance that interrupts an event  or an activity.
Uber represents disruption to the cab industry.
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The word disruption applies to Seycove because of programs like the PLP program as well as flex time. These programs interrupt the traditional way of teaching and the regular school curriculum by offering different learning opportunities for different learning styles and more topics.   
Seycove Day 1
Heading to Mill Bay on Van Island to play in a 4 day senior basketball tournament at Brentwood College
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Making a basket during a basketball game
The Beach
Deep Cove, North Van
Deep Cove is called Deep Cove because the lowest part in the bay is 100 ft deep
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Seycove Day 2
Animals and the Environment
There are 22 different species of squirrels in Canada. Their tails have many purposes. The tails help them balance in high places and they act as a rudder when jumping from tree branch to branch.  Their tails also help keep them warm in the winter and can show other squirrels what kind of mood they are in. They help plant trees because they put seeds into the ground to help grow trees. 
Squirrels can cause big disruptions even though they are small creatures. Squirrels can cause major power outages by chewing on wires or walking on wires and damaging them.
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This local environment can be disrupted humans in a lot of ways.  Developers can come in and cut down all the trees to build new roads, businesses or houses. Also it can be disrupted by development if the trees are gone and the soil erodes and causes floods.  Humans can also cause forest fires like in BC this year and destroy the environment for a long time. 
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