Book Creator

The Little Frog-Girl

by Nataša Mesić Muharemi


Erasmus + project
Diversity and Culture make the Union
Once upon a time, there lived a husband and a wife who had no children. They grew old. They prayed all the time and hoped to get a child of their own, yet nothing helped. Finally, the woman said: “If only I had a child, even if it were a frog!“
Like all other strange wishes, this one also came true. After nine months, the woman gave birth to a young daughter – a little frog. The parents were so happy and took good care of their child – The Little Frog-Girl. 
The Little Frog-Girl liked to spend time outside. When her father would work in the garden or vineyard, she would be there with him. Every day at noon, the mother would bring them lunch.
Time passed, the frog grew up, and the parents grew older. One day, mum got sick. Mum said that she couldn't even get up from the bed, let alone go to the garden to bring lunch. Then The Little Frog-Girl said she would take lunch to her father: “I can take lunch to father.“
But how? You don't have hands to carry a pot“ - mum said.
"Tie it to my back and don't worry about anything“ - Little Frog said.