Book Creator

Pollution City

by Joshua Toh

Pages 4 and 5 of 17

Nobody answered, Ambrose started to open the letter, and the box. Inside the box was a humongous scary grey gas mask. This was a strange device to Ambrose, gas mask were never made and nothing comes in or out of the pollution and dust. Then Ambrose opened the brown letter covered in dust, and read it. It didn’t tell who it was for. It told Ambrose that there was machine that was causing all the dust and pollution, and that the gas mask was for when he gets closer to the machine the pollution and dust will get worst and could die with out the mask and what it is. There was a map in the box under the gas mask. Ambrose wasn’t so sure about this, but he knew that if the pollution and dust would get worst if he didn’t do anything.

Ambrose told his brother, Matthew about the letter, because he would need all the help he can get. Ambrose didn’t tell his parents because they would definitely not approve of this. The only problem is that he only had one gas mask. His brother could drive though, it would get too dangerous for his brothers as they get closer to the machine. Ambrose’s brother would help drive his brother closer to the death machine that is causing the endless pollution and dust.

“Psst, wake up,” Ambrose said while trying to wake up his brother.

“What do you want. Its only three in the morning, dude,” Matthew said sounding very tired and annoyed.

“Let’s go!,” Ambrose said sounding rushed.

“Now?,” Matthew said

“Now,” Ambrose said as he nods.

“Fine,” Matthew said as he rolls his eyes.

Ambrose and Matthew got into the car. The engine of the car roared as they drove off. The dust flew off the ground as the tired started spinning. Matthew got a phone call from his mom, Ambrose didn’t want his parent to know about what he was going to do. He told Matthew to leave his phone and don’t pick up the call. Ambrose didn’t feel right about this, but he knew that this was the right thing to do. It was getting harder to breathe and the sky a darker as they got closer to the mountain that had the terrible machine. Matthew couldn’t breathe at one point, so Ambrose told Matthew to leave. Luckily Ambrose brought a bicycle in the car. Ambrose was on his own now. Ambrose put on his gas mask and started cycling towards the mountain.

“What do you want. Its only three in the morning, dude,” Matthew said sounding very tired and annoyed.

“Let’s go!,” Ambrose said sounding rushed.

“Now?,” Matthew said

“Now,” Ambrose said as he nods.

“Fine,” Matthew said as he rolls his eyes.

Ambrose and Matthew got into the car. The engine of the car roared as they drove off. The dust flew off the ground as the tired started spinning. Matthew got a phone call from his mom, Ambrose didn’t want his parent to know about what he was going to do. He told Matthew to leave his phone and don’t pick up the call. Ambrose didn’t feel right about this, but he knew that this was the right thing to do. It was getting harder to breathe and the sky a darker as they got closer to the mountain that had the terrible machine. Matthew couldn’t breathe at one point, so Ambrose told Matthew to leave. Luckily Ambrose brought a bicycle in the car. Ambrose was on his own now. Ambrose put on his gas mask and started cycling towards the mountain.