Book Creator

2022 RBB News 5

by Nguyen, Priscilla

Pages 6 and 7 of 9

Comedy Corner
Here are some awesome jokes, riddles, and quizzes for you to enjoy. These jokes and riddles are sure to make you laugh!
Comic Panel 1
Comic Panel 1
Knock knock Jokes
Comic Panel 1
The Pet That's Meant For You
Comic Panel 1
Jokes by Cooper Fletcher & Noelle Darius & Gus Altman

Q.What did one toilet say to the other toilet?
A.You look a bit flushed.

Q.Two pickles fell out of a jar. What did another pickle say to the other pickle?
A.Dill with it.

Q.What did one traffic light say to the other?
A.Look away! I'm changing!

Q.What kind of street do ghosts haunt?
A. Dead ends!

Q.What's a ghosts favorite fruit?
A. A BooBarry

Q. Why was the Easter bunny so upset?
A. Because he was having a bad hare day!

Q. What medicine do you give a sick lemon?
A. Lemon aid!

Q. What do you call a pasta that isn't pasta but still looks like pasta but isn't?
A. Impasta!
Comic Panel 1
Quiz Time!
Riddles by Cooper Fletcher & Gus Altman

Q. How many eggs will a rooster lay in 3 weeks, feed and housed the same amount every day?
A. Zero. Roosters don't lay eggs

Q. What animal walks on 4 legs in the morning 2 legs in the afternoon and 3 legs in the evening?
A. A person

Q. What is the richest nut?
A. A cash-ew

Q. What has to be broken before you use it?
A. An egg

Q. I'm tall when i'm young and short when i'm old what am I?
A. A candle

Q. What is the capital in France?
A. The letter F is the only capital letter in France.
Knock-knock jokes by Cooper Fletcher & Noelle Darius

Knock-Knock. Who's there? Says. Says who? Says me, that's who.

Knock-Knock. who's there? Europe. Europe who? No, YOU'RE a poo.

Knock-Knock. who's there? You. You who? You hoo, anybody home

Knock-Knock. who's there? Ruff ruff. Ruff ruff who? Who let the dogs out? I heard barking.

The bold words is the person asking the joke and the words that aren't bold is the other person.
Words By Quinn Bingham & Charlotte Chen

Question #1
How Outdoorsy
A. Totally!!!!
B.I love nature, just not worms.
C.I can water the plants?
D.Why would I leave the house??
Question #2
Favorite Game
A. Anything outside!
B. Hide and Seek; in and outside.
C. Twister!!
D. Chess.
Question #3
Favorite Animal
A. Jaguars!
B. Elephants!
C. Kittens!
D. Fish!
Mostly A's, your sport is baseball.
Mostly B's, your sport is soccer.
Mostly C's, your sport is volleyball.
Mostly D's, your sport is play-catch-in-the-house.
By Cooper Fletcher & Noelle Darius & Teaghan Burton & Gus Altman
Question 1
What action do you like doing the most?
A. Climbing trees
B. Swimming
C. Hopping
D. Running

Question 2
What is your favorite color?
A. Green
B. Blue
C. White
D. Red

Question 3
What is your favorite subject?
A. Math
B. Science
C. Reading
D. Social Studies

If you picked mainly A's then your animal is a cat. If you picked mainly B's then your animal is a fish. If you picked mainly C's then your animal is a bunny. If you picked mainly D's then your animal is a dog.
Falcons of last Week
Falcons of last week display leadership, teamwork, and success in everything they do.
Comic Panel 1
Comic Panel 1
Skylar Weatherly
Moe Mello
Comic Panel 1
Andrew Bocanegra
Comic Panel 1
Abbey Lewis
Comic Panel 1
Comic Panel 1
Ariya Wangsuttisomsri
Abbey Lewis was chosen to be Falcon of the Week because she is a great student and an amazing kid in general. She enjoys playing with her friends during recess. She is the apple to her teacher's eye.
Skylar truly demonstrates her teamwork and kindness when a classmate is in need. She also sparks with creativity! Everyone can agree Skylar is a truly generous student. Congrats Skylar!
Ariya has worked extremely hard to earn his title of Falcon of the Week. She has made great decisions and stayed on task throughout the days. She participation in class has stood out and shined bright. Congratulations Ariya!
Andrew is an outstanding boy filled with integrity. He smile will brighten your day and he will do anything in his power to show others kindness. He will make your heart shine. He is filled with positivity!
Moe is helpful, kind, and funny. He darts through challenges. He also keeps up his great work. He totally deserves his classroom's spot as Falcon of the Week!
Comic Panel 1
Blake Robinson
Comic Panel 1
Destin Lynch
Comic Panel 1
Comic Panel 1
Teaghan Burton
Ayden Morales
Omar is one of the outstanding students in second grade. He is a boy to honor and he is very kind. He enjoys making jokes and making other kids laugh. Thank you for bringing joy to RBB.
Teaghan is a role model student who helps anyone in need.She enjoys many sports. When you see her play kindly in recess, you will be left in amazement. She is the highlight of third grade! We thank you!
Blake is a very friendly student that cares for others. He helps the people that feel down whenever their upset or sad. Blake, you are enough for this school and the world!
Never change yourself.
Ayden has a been a fantastic role model ever since he came this school year. He has been supporting to his fellow classmates and has shown much care for others. Good job on being selected as Falcon of the Week Ayden!
Falcon's of the Week!

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