Book Creator

2022 RBB News 5

by Nguyen, Priscilla

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Falcon News Harald
About this publication
Wednesday April 20, 2022
Earth Day is a day where we get to clean up this amazing earth WE live on. We do this to keep our planet nice and clean!
Earth Day is Approaching!
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Earth day is celebrated on April Friday, 22nd this year
Words by Emma Zidlicky, Charlotte Chen, and Harper Karl

Earth Day is coming up, so lots of people around the world are going to celebrate this wonderful and green holiday! Most people wonder why Earth Day was started.

The first Earth Day ever, was started in 1970 of April. People were worried about the quality of air and water available to people around the world. Senator Gaylord Nelson created Earth Day to help this cause. People caught on with this idea and started to clean up communities. Now, when Earth Day rolls around, people like to pick up litter, help the earth groups, and lots of Scout and Girl Scout packs like to pick up lots of trash and find recyclable items to reuse. An activity citizens participate in is planting things to support the Earth and make the air cleaner. Some big organizations devote their whole career to cleaning the air and land or picking trash out of the ocean. That's how people celebrate the big Blue Planet's birthday!
What Could RBB Do for Earth Day?
Words by Eva Bocanegra

In the month of April, there is a day where we show respect and kindness to the Earth. We call this day, Earth day. There are many ways to show respect and kindness to our planet. If you're wondering what we could do on Earth day I have a few examples:
You could plant some flowers or trees, ask friends if they want to see if there is any trash to pick up, reuse your disposable water bottle, not use so much plastic, and no littering, is the least we could do to keep our planet clean and healthy!
So, if you ever come upon a piece of trash don’t be afraid to pick it up and throw it away because everyday is Earth Day! Doing that would be a big favor and a reminder Earth day is this week! Stay tuned for another spectacular newspaper from Falcon News Harald.
Upcoming Events at RBB
I Love my Teacher 5K Run
Camping under the STAARs
Words by Gus Altman & Johnathan Parker

On April 30, 2022 San Felipe Del Rio CISD will be holding a I Love My Teacher 5k run to honor our awesome teachers. The school district will award medals to the top finishers in each age group, isn't it a really fun way to show your teachers how much you care?
It will be held at the Del Rio High School Walter Levermann Stadium. No pressure to run, because everyone is welcome, even if you would like to walk. Parents and teachers are also welcome to join. They will be cheering you on as you do the race.
You will have to run/walk 3/4 of the football field then 2 semi laps then to the finish line. Other schools in the district will compete in the race for the gold to. You can bring a hat and sunscreen if you want to, but be sure to bring a water bottle. There are shirts available for the first 150 entries. You can help RBB win a trophy if you join the race! The school with the most participation will be awarded a trophy. Turn in registration forms at any campus or at the SPC Building 315 Griner St. Late registration is at 8:00 - 8:45 am on April 30th.
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Camping under the STAARs
I Love My Teacher 5K Run!
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Words by Noelle Darius

What is camping under the STAARs about?
Camping under the STAARs is an annual event meant for third, fourth, and fifth graders. This memorable event is meant to give students a one last review before their testing day arrives. Teachers gather as many tents and canopies as they can get their hands on and set them up on the campus courtyard. This event allows students to review math and reading skills with teammates throughout the day. Teams will be made up of third, fourth, and fifth grade students! Once teams are made, they will go to stations set up in each of the tents, or canopies. It's going to end with a fun camping snack like s'mores!

When and where is camping under the STAARs?
Camping under the STAARs is on Friday, May 6th. The event will take place during the morning, on the courtyard turf, but events will continue to take place in the afternoon inside classrooms because Texas heat is no joke!

Why is this event important?
This event is important because it helps students get ready and feel confident for STAAR testing. Students work together to use different strategies to solve skills they've learned. May 6th is around the corner, so don't forget to bring your sun screen, water bottle, and camp songs to Camping Under the STAARS!
STAAR Testing
STAAR testing sure can be hard, but YOU got to rise up to the challenge and take it! STAAR isn't going to make itself easy for you, STAAR is what you've learned this past school year! So take it and try your very BEST!!
Becoming a STAAR Master
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5th grade STAAR testing

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The 4th grade STAAR Test
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Words by Charlotte Chen, edited by Sophia Nguyen

Jitters and excitement keep rippling through the crowd every time third grade STAAR Tests are mentioned. Third grade has valiantly prepared after going through the whole year of school together. As STAAR tests near, third grade reviews and remembers all the things they learned. Did you know the STAAR's real names are State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness. There will be math, reading, writing, and science STAAR tests. As the last hurdle of third grade draws nearer, third grade grows more and more confident. Every third grader is learning and reviewing all they know for the end of third grade! They have each made goals to achieve. Most plan to work their best to reach a Masters rating on the tests. There is no doubt, they will succeed!
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Words by Quinn Bingham

The STAAR Test
On the 10th, and 11th of May, the 4th grade will have their STAAR tests. The first test will be Math, and then ELA. Some of the kids are nervous and scared while the others are ready, and confident. Fourth grade has been working very hard for the STAAR test to come to prove their skills. Their teachers, Mrs. Pyle and Ms. Hernandez have been teaching and reviewing skills for students to be prepared.
Positive words of encouragement
Fourth grade you've got what it takes to do the STAAR test. Everyone believes in you! Turn that Impossible to I'm possible! RBB believes in you 4th grade!
Words by Sophia Nguyen

Mrs. Hjelmstad's amazing 5th grade class is soon going to be taking the official state test!
5th grade is taking the math, reading, and science STAAR in 3 weeks!
Mrs. Hjelmstad has split the large 5th grade classroom into two rooms so that students are in the best learning environment to review while preparing for the big days ahead. The 5th grade classes have their mind set on showing mastery on the STAAR, so nothing can get them off track now!

If anyone happens to pass by anyone of the 5th graders, wish them good luck! Everyone of the school of RBB can agree: The 5th Graders' got this!
Words by Johnathan Parker

Did you know that in Star Wars, Yoda was originally going to be voiced by a monkey?

Some Pixar movies are based on their directors lives!

A famous saying said by Marvel Studios was, "No man can win every battle, but no man should fall without a struggle."

Yen Sid is a character from a Disney film. His name is Disney backwards.

Did you know that when films first started out, they used real guns in the films and shot real artilleries?

Did you know that the main character in Cars is not a car, but a mix between Chevrolet Corvette C1 and the Chevrolet Corvette C5.

The guy who plays Superman is a huge gamer that was later to auditions for playing games?
Baby Pyle is Coming Soon!
RBB's 4th grade teacher: Mrs. Pyle, is having a baby girl!
read the following article to get all the info!
Mrs. Pyle's family:
Jack and Nixson
Adorable Mother and Son Moment
Words by Mariah Sands and Quinn Bingham

That's right, RBB's 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Pyle, is having a baby girl soon! Unfortunately, that means she doesn't get to stick around with her students until the end of the year. Mrs. Pyle's last day was April 14, 2022, which was last Thursday. The 4th grade class misses her very much.

Last Day Together
The 4th grade teacher's assistant, Ms. Hernandez planned a surprise do deliver awesome cards from the 4th grade class to show that they will miss her very much. Fourth grade also participated in fun activities like an Easter egg hunt with Mrs. Pyle. They also had a guest come into the room to play Air Force jeopardy.

Mrs. Pyle's family
Mrs. Pyle has an amazing and kind family that's always there for her when she's in a tough situation. She has Jack, her husband, that works in the Med Group on base and her adorable son, Nixon. She also has two dogs named Haddie and Harper, and will soon add a new member to the family! A little baby girl!!!

The fourth grade class will miss her very much, but here's the moment you've all been waiting for...the revealing of the baby's name! The name for the new Pyle baby will be... drum roll please! Charlotte Pyle! Who will also be called the nickname of... Lottie. We all can't wait o meet little Lottie. Congratulations, Mrs. Pyle!
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Mrs. Pyle and her baby
Mrs. Pyle and her baby!
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Haddie and Harper
Mother's Day Crafts
Family Fortune Teller
Words by Pita Wold-Edwards

Have you ever made a fortune teller? They are an absolute delight with all the pops of colors and fun tricks you could do with them. However, the mother's day fortune teller is a bit different. This fortune teller is a heart worming gift with a beautiful message for your mothers.

How to Make the Fortune Teller
The first thing you may be wondering is, how do I make this fortune teller? Well, it's actually pretty easy. All you'll need is a piece of paper, and markers (or any other type of color option). The first step is, crease a square piece of paper diagonally from each corner. Step two: fold the paper in half from each side. Step three: bring the corners to the center of the paper. Step four: Write the type of message for your mother or inspirational women in your family on the triangle. Step five: Write your message on the inside of the triangle. At last, you have finished the craft. Now it is time to give a try with the mother figure in your life!

How to Present your Gift
You may be wondering now that I have finished the craft how should I present it? Well, one way you could present it is you could get an old, empty box ,a piece of paper, glue, and a few colors (optional). The first thing you want to do is add a design to the piece of paper. The next step is glue your paper to the empty box. Last, but definitely not least, put your fortune teller in the box. There you have it! A simple way to present your fortune teller.
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Pom Pom Frame
Hand Print Bouquet
Words by Pita Wold-Edwards

Are you stuck on what to make your mother for mother's day? Well, here is a simple craft that might help you out. This craft is a Mother's Day pom pom frame! That is very simple. All the materials you will need are, glue, a frame, pom poms, markers, or colored pencils, and a piece of pink paper. Step one: is to grab your frame and remove the each lock by twisting it at a ninety degree angle. Step two: insert your pom pom through the back of the frame. Step three: reattach the back of the frame by re screwing the locks. Step four: Grab your pink piece of paper and cut out a heart shape, or ask an adult for help. Step five: Write a kind message to your mother or inspirational women in your family. Step six: Glue the heart in the front of the frame. Voila! A nice and simple way to surprise your mother.
Words by Pita Wold-Edwards

Have you ever made a hand print bouquet before? If you said no, here are some simple steps for an amazing surprise to give to your mothers, or any other inspirational women in your life. The materials you will need are, paints, a string, a couple sheets of white paper, a sheet of pink paper that is about one inch bigger than your white piece of paper, a black marker, and a paint brush. Step one: Grab the paint color of your choice and a paint brush, then put a little bit of paint on your hands. Step two: Place your painted hand on the top of a white paper to make a hand print. Step three: Repeat this process three more times. Step five: Get green paint and your paint brush. and make a green stroke from all the flowers to the bottom. Step six: Get your string and create a bow shape. Step seven: Glue your bow into the middle of all the green lines(stems).Step eight: Write a kind message on the side of your paper to your mom your a other inspirational women in your life. That's it, the simple hand print bouquet is ready to be gifted. Thank you for reading and have a nice day.
Comedy Corner
Here are some awesome jokes, riddles, and quizzes for you to enjoy. These jokes and riddles are sure to make you laugh!
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Knock knock Jokes
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The Pet That's Meant For You
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Jokes by Cooper Fletcher & Noelle Darius & Gus Altman

Q.What did one toilet say to the other toilet?
A.You look a bit flushed.

Q.Two pickles fell out of a jar. What did another pickle say to the other pickle?
A.Dill with it.

Q.What did one traffic light say to the other?
A.Look away! I'm changing!

Q.What kind of street do ghosts haunt?
A. Dead ends!

Q.What's a ghosts favorite fruit?
A. A BooBarry

Q. Why was the Easter bunny so upset?
A. Because he was having a bad hare day!

Q. What medicine do you give a sick lemon?
A. Lemon aid!

Q. What do you call a pasta that isn't pasta but still looks like pasta but isn't?
A. Impasta!
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Quiz Time!
Riddles by Cooper Fletcher & Gus Altman

Q. How many eggs will a rooster lay in 3 weeks, feed and housed the same amount every day?
A. Zero. Roosters don't lay eggs

Q. What animal walks on 4 legs in the morning 2 legs in the afternoon and 3 legs in the evening?
A. A person

Q. What is the richest nut?
A. A cash-ew

Q. What has to be broken before you use it?
A. An egg

Q. I'm tall when i'm young and short when i'm old what am I?
A. A candle

Q. What is the capital in France?
A. The letter F is the only capital letter in France.
Knock-knock jokes by Cooper Fletcher & Noelle Darius

Knock-Knock. Who's there? Says. Says who? Says me, that's who.

Knock-Knock. who's there? Europe. Europe who? No, YOU'RE a poo.

Knock-Knock. who's there? You. You who? You hoo, anybody home

Knock-Knock. who's there? Ruff ruff. Ruff ruff who? Who let the dogs out? I heard barking.

The bold words is the person asking the joke and the words that aren't bold is the other person.
Words By Quinn Bingham & Charlotte Chen

Question #1
How Outdoorsy
A. Totally!!!!
B.I love nature, just not worms.
C.I can water the plants?
D.Why would I leave the house??
Question #2
Favorite Game
A. Anything outside!
B. Hide and Seek; in and outside.
C. Twister!!
D. Chess.
Question #3
Favorite Animal
A. Jaguars!
B. Elephants!
C. Kittens!
D. Fish!
Mostly A's, your sport is baseball.
Mostly B's, your sport is soccer.
Mostly C's, your sport is volleyball.
Mostly D's, your sport is play-catch-in-the-house.
By Cooper Fletcher & Noelle Darius & Teaghan Burton & Gus Altman
Question 1
What action do you like doing the most?
A. Climbing trees
B. Swimming
C. Hopping
D. Running

Question 2
What is your favorite color?
A. Green
B. Blue
C. White
D. Red

Question 3
What is your favorite subject?
A. Math
B. Science
C. Reading
D. Social Studies

If you picked mainly A's then your animal is a cat. If you picked mainly B's then your animal is a fish. If you picked mainly C's then your animal is a bunny. If you picked mainly D's then your animal is a dog.
Falcons of last Week
Falcons of last week display leadership, teamwork, and success in everything they do.
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Skylar Weatherly
Moe Mello
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Andrew Bocanegra
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Abbey Lewis
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Ariya Wangsuttisomsri
Abbey Lewis was chosen to be Falcon of the Week because she is a great student and an amazing kid in general. She enjoys playing with her friends during recess. She is the apple to her teacher's eye.
Skylar truly demonstrates her teamwork and kindness when a classmate is in need. She also sparks with creativity! Everyone can agree Skylar is a truly generous student. Congrats Skylar!
Ariya has worked extremely hard to earn his title of Falcon of the Week. She has made great decisions and stayed on task throughout the days. She participation in class has stood out and shined bright. Congratulations Ariya!
Andrew is an outstanding boy filled with integrity. He smile will brighten your day and he will do anything in his power to show others kindness. He will make your heart shine. He is filled with positivity!
Moe is helpful, kind, and funny. He darts through challenges. He also keeps up his great work. He totally deserves his classroom's spot as Falcon of the Week!
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Blake Robinson
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Destin Lynch
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Teaghan Burton
Ayden Morales
Omar is one of the outstanding students in second grade. He is a boy to honor and he is very kind. He enjoys making jokes and making other kids laugh. Thank you for bringing joy to RBB.
Teaghan is a role model student who helps anyone in need.She enjoys many sports. When you see her play kindly in recess, you will be left in amazement. She is the highlight of third grade! We thank you!
Blake is a very friendly student that cares for others. He helps the people that feel down whenever their upset or sad. Blake, you are enough for this school and the world!
Never change yourself.
Ayden has a been a fantastic role model ever since he came this school year. He has been supporting to his fellow classmates and has shown much care for others. Good job on being selected as Falcon of the Week Ayden!
Falcon's of the Week!
Meet the Team
This is the team that gives you entertaining stories every week.
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Cooper Fletcher
Noelle Darius
Teaghan Burton
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I am the middle child. I am 9 almost 10. I am very creative, my favorite colors are pink, purple, and blue. Reading is my hobby. RBB is my favorite school.
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Mariah Sands
Harper Karl
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My favorite things are video games, science, and the color orange. I'm A HUGE fan of Mario. I love chickens and used to have some.
My favorite color is blue, and I love to eat sushi. My favorite animals are pandas, red pandas, and koalas. I love to draw and do crafts.
I am 9 years old, and I love mermaids, Axolotls, and Harry Potter. My favorite color is blue. My hobbies are dancing, Girl Scouts, and the Dobby club. My favorite games are Minecraft and Roblox.
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Eva Bocanegra
Editor and journalist of Newsflash, favorite color: Blue.
favorite animal: turtle. Hobbies: drawing, playing with turtle, trampoline, playing games, and being with family and friends!
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Pita Wold-Edwards
Sophia Nguyen
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Gus Altman
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Quinn Bingham
I am the President of RBB STUCO, my hobbies are writing the newspaper and drawing, my favorite subjects are all of them. “I just wanted to say thank you for reading our newspapers and stay tuned for another one!”
My favorite color is yellow, I am vice president of RBB STUCO, I love animals, drawing, playing with my dog, and writing the school's news paper to give you the weekly cup of tea.
Jobs: Editor, Journalist, and secretary of STUCO
Hobbies: Drawing and hanging out with my dog.
Favorite animals: Scarlet Macaw, Secretary bird, Fer- De- Lance, and Pink Robin
My favorite things are soccer, cats, basketball, hide and seek, math, tennis, masks, Roblox, and purple things. My FAVORITE thing to do is annoy my sisters I have three of them.
My favorite color is all the shades of blue. Some of my hobbies are drawing, singing, and sports. My favorite quote is, "When things aren't adding up, start subtracting." That quote was by Dr. Seuss. My favorite subject is Math. What I say all the time is, "Gasp, how dare you!"