Book Creator

Hobbies magazine

by Elhem Najem

Pages 2 and 3 of 37

An interview with Travis Scott
Interviewer- Hi Travis, first of all I want to say that I think you´re a great artist, I love your songs! So, where are you from? Travis Scott- I’m American and I come from Texas. Interviewer-Why did you start creating hip hop songs? Travis Scott- Because I thought it was a good way to express my ideas and my feelings and also because it’s a very popular kind of music and it helps me to tell my messages to more people.

Interviewer-And what are your messages, what are your songs and popular videoclips about?
Travis Scott- My songs and my videoclips talk about my problems, my generation, the way we live, our frustrations, the “urban jungle” and that’s how I express my feelings.
Interviewer-Many people must feel like you, because you’re very popular. How is it to deal with so much popularity? Do you live well with it?
Travis Scott- Sometimes it’s hard. I want to live my life, have freedom and do all the things that all people do. But wherever I go, there is always a reporter, people around me trying to get an autograph. Basically, I don’t have much privacy. But I like to be a famous artist, because it means I reach lots of people and that’s really good.
Interviewer-Indeed! It was very nice talking to you, to know more about you and your songs. I wish the best to you and your carrear!
Travis Scott-It was very nice to meet you too! Thank you very much!