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Welcome to 2nd Grade

by Meredith Frost

Pages 4 and 5 of 7

Class Rules:
1. Follow adult directions the first time. 
2. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.
3. Follow the appropriate voice level.
4. Raise your hand and wait to be called on to speak. 
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 Using these class rules plus following the Big 3 (Respectful, Responsible and Safe) my goal is to help all students feel successful and safe in our classroom.
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There is NO homework in my classroom. I encourage each student to read for 20 minutes every night, either with someone or independently! 
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Reading/Language Arts
Jordan School District uses the Journeys program. It is a great program that helps students learn comprehension skills, writing skills, and grammar skills that are all connected to one story each week. 
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Run to Disneyland
Every day 2nd grade will go out and run for 5 minutes. By the end of the year we would have run the distance it would take for us to go from West Jordan to Disneyland! We then have a Disney party in May.  
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We will be using a lot of student discussions in math to help students stay engaged and active in their learning. 

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