Book Creator

Recipes for Fruitful Collaborative Learning

by Isabel Tarling

Pages 6 and 7 of 22

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My favorite plate from my childhood in Spain was an outside cooked mixed paella. Paella was originally farm laborers' food, cooked by the workers over a wood fire. It was made with rice, plus whatever was to hand around the rice fields and countryside. Paella however would be a different dish without the Romans who brought the pan and the Arab because of rice and saffron.

Today there are many varieties of paella, the typical ones are seafood paella and mixed paella which combines meat from livestock, seafood, vegetables, and sometimes beans, with the traditional rice. Often a giant paella is the centerpiece for many fiestas.
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Mixed group paella
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- Different personalities
- Typical roles in a group
- Various learning methods and strategies
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1. Form a group an think about you usual role in it - are you Facilitator (often the leader of the group), Initiators (contribute ideas and suggestions for resolving problems), Arbitrator, Notetaker, Coach, Coordinator, Evaluator or a Compromiser. Or a mix of some of these.

2. Choose a role you would usually not take and try working in a group in this role - if you usually tend to lead, take a step back and try the role of an arbitrator. If you usually have millions of ideas try to concentrate on evaluating the ideas of others. Etc.

3. After the group session discuss how did your new role feel like, what was hard and what did you learn
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