Book Creator

Silver and the pirates

by Barbara Biskupiak NWW

Pages 6 and 7 of 12

The next day everyone was looking forward to the boat. However, she did not appear. After a few hours of waiting, everyone lost hope of being rescued. John lay inertly on the sand and closed his eyes. 
"There is no chance of escaping, we will get old here and die," John said. But when he opened his eyes and looked at the clouds, he noticed that they had set themselves in a familiar shape. He quickly got up and ran for the map, with a strange alphabet on the back. From the clouds, he read the inscription "⏁⊑⍀⟒⟒ ⏁⊑⟟⋏☌⌇". That means "3 things"
"3 things? What could that mean?" said one pirate.
"I have an idea! Maybe we need to find 3 things to help us get out of here?
"Just where they can be?" said another of the pirates.
"Do you remember how something was shining in the cave and when I was afraid to go there? Maybe we have to look there," John said.
"But you're afraid to go in there, we can't do it ourselves!" said the pirate.
I will overcome mine fears, I will not leave you," John said.
They went to the cave. At the entrance, a big bat was waiting for them, which John was scared, but he was tough.
One of the pirates lit a torch. John was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, but he did, and over and over again he kept saying, "you have to do it."
After walking 576 meters, they noticed a small recess in the wall. They tried to spread it out, but they couldn't do it. 
"Maybe I'll put out this torch and try to spread these walls a little bit, then it'll be easier."
said one of the pirates. 
"But we will have no light," said another pirate.
"If you look, you can see the fire there, so we won't be left without light. After this argument, everyone agreed. And indeed, it's divisive.
When they entered the secret room in the cave, a very long corridor awaited them. It seemed to them that it was endless, but it was shorter than the road they had already crossed. At the end he was waiting for them.... Cat! And it's an unusual cat. He had a pirate cap, and a band. There was definitely something wrong with him because... started chattering!
"You've found the last difficulty before you go home, you'll get 3 puzzles from me, and I'll give you 3 things to help you get home in return. If you can't answer the puzzles, you'll stay here forever, because today will be the last night with a blue fullness. The next one will happen in 1,000 years.