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Christianity in Rome

by Will Mashburn [STUDENT]

Pages 2 and 3 of 4

What do Christians believe?
How do Christians practice their beliefs?
Christianity was founded by Jesus. They believe that Jesus died on the cross for humanities sins. One god is expressed by 3 “persons”- the father, the son, and the holy spirit, this is known as the holy trinity. They believe that through prayer they can communicate with god. Baptism is a sign of commitment to Christian faith and the teachings of Jesus that either happens when children are born or as adults.
Christians worship together with music, speech, prayers, sermons, and some holy ceremonies. As well as communion services such as sharing bread and wine during the last supper.
How did Christianity spread in the Roman Empire?
Christianity was spread by Jesus’s 12 Apostles, in Greek Apostle means the one who spreads the word. Two people that spread Christianity were Paul and Peter. Paul began as a prosecutor of Christianity but when he heard Jesus speak to him, he completely did a 180 and became a follower of Jesus and spread Christianity. Paul was very dedicated to Christianity and took 3 long journeys around Rome to spread the faith.

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