A new book

by Asher Pizam


"hi i'm asher. im going to interview you. on your new planet.
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new planet discovered!
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"hello there i'm tyson. ok."
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"in between jupiter and saturn. explained Tyson.
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"first question, where is your planet located?" asher asked.
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"second question, some planets have moons or rings. does yours?" asher questioned.
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"yes the planet has 16 moons and 6 rings." tyson said.
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third question, how is it similar to the surrounding planets. replied asher.
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its similar in mass and its amount of moons. tyson remarked.
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fourth question, what would it be like visiting your planet? asher wondered 
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it would be cold and snowy. tyson jestered 
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last question, how did you decide the name of your planet? asher whispered
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i combined Jupiter and Saturn names. tyson screamed 
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