Book Creator

My Oregon Trip!!!

by PLP 8


My Oregon book
My Oregon book
My Oregon book
Replace this box with a map shows Vancouver to Newport, then add a drawing tracing the route of our trip.
(Haystack Rock) at Canyon Beach.
Record here an explanation of why you are looking forward to the attraction in your picture.
Put a photo here of a landmark that you are looking forward to seeing in Oregon!
Write an explanation here of 3-4 sentences explaining why you are excited to see that animal. 
Thought Bubble
Rounded Rectangle
A landmark I’m excited to see.
I’m really excited to see a beaver if we do see one. Apparently they are very common in Oregon, and if so, I really want to see one. I’ve never seen a beaver before and I think that would be a really cool animal to see. I used to be obsessed with beavers when I was little, so it would be really awesome to see a real live one.
Oregon Day 1
Write an explanation here of 3-4 sentences explaining what your video is and why you li
Thought Bubble
Travelling South with a stop at Cabela's!
Replace this shape with your favourite video that you took today! Hint: consider using Clips!
My video is a video of me going down the stairs of the Astoria Column. I really like this video because it shows all 125 stairs that we walked up, and eventually down. I think that it was very interesting and I was upset that I didn’t catch the walk up. (It is a time lapse because the walk was quite long.
My favourite video of day 1
The Astoria Column
The Astoria column is 125 feet tall and is covered on the outside by a frieze that tells stories of Astorias colonization.
The Astoria Column is ______ feet tall and is covered on the outside by a ______ that depicts ______ _______.
Speech Bubble
Replace this shape with your own picture of the Astoria Column.
A frieze of a scene from my life.
Draw here your own frieze representing a scene from your life. Then add a title on top of the shape! Try to draw something that you think has added to your worldview.
Rounded Rectangle
Oregon Day 2
Fort Stevens
Replace this shape with your favourite picture from Fort Stevens!
In Fort Stevens we learned tons of stuff, for example, we learned about cannons that only appeared for a few seconds to fire, and then they disappeared behind a wall. We also toured Fort Stevens and saw different chambers where they communicated and where the lamps were. We also saw different architectural things like how the hills were a shield and things like that. A thing that I found really interesting was that Fort Stevens was actuallyattacked, unlike quite a few different Forts. 
Thought Bubble
My favourite picture of Fort Stevens!!!