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The Southern Colonies

by Brooks R.

Pages 2 and 3 of 5

The Money Making Colonies
Southern Colonies
By: Brooks .R
How it all Started
There are lots of reasons why people come to settle here a the Southern Colonies and each colony has a different reason. Maryland was founded by a man named Lord Baltimore. Lord Baltimore left England because he was Catholic and in England Catholics were not aloud , so he left with his family and started Maryland. Virginia was found by people coming to America to find gold and start a tolerant religion settlement.Unlike the New England Colonies. The Carolinas were found by people that wanted to start plantations. Georgia was founded by some men that gave away the land so that if the Spanish attacked they would have to go through Georgia instead of attacking the valuable plantations of the Carolinas.
The are lots of was to make money here in the south here are some. You can have a plantation and make lots of money. You could also fish and lumber. You could also trade because the south has of trading post.
Come On Over To The Amazing Southern Colonies
Come on over to the southern Colonies we have so many valuable plants that you can grow like tobacco,wheat,Indigo,
and Rice. You should also come because you can make so much money planting plantations of cash crops. You should also come here instead of that super cold New England Colonies.

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