Book Creator

The Theft

by Year Seven


The Theft
Who Stole the Rent Money
from William the Reeve
of Walsham?
Medieval audio stories by Year 7
Five Islands Academy
With thanks to our readers: Maddy, Katharine, Laura, Inigo, Rob, Piers, David, Jenny, Rachel, Emily and Briony.
Thank you to Chloe Bateman for her fantastic ‘story recipe’.
Medieval Fiction by Year 7
The Theft
by Samual
There once lived a man called Jake who lived with his father. They were villeins and part of a tithing of 12 members. They lived in a small cottage out in the sleepy countryside surrounded by hazel and elm trees where an abundance of red squirrels lived. The father and son farmed the land here. Jake had worked on the farm with his father from the age of 7, he was now 19. As the years had gone by his father was getting less able and was very ill, he needed medicine but this was very expensive and they could not afford it. Jake's father believed that God had created this path for him and that’s the way it should be, but Jake thought differently, he wanted to help his father. Jake had a plan!

Jake knew that the reeve had recently collected most of the rent from the villagers and he was waiting for his opportune moment.
Jake kept an eye on William the reeve’s movements and once he saw that William was out working his own strip of land he made his move, he snuck in and stole a bag that contained 20 shillings. Once Jake had got the money safely back to his cottage he hid it and went back to work so no one would notice.

Jake knew that lunch time neared as the sun was high in the sky, so he was just finishing off his final strip of ploughing when he heard the loud ear piercing noise of a horn. It was the hue and cry. Everyone left the fields and headed to the sound of the horn, Jake followed so not to raise suspicion. Once at the scene of the crime everyone gathered around to hear what William had to say. “A thief be among us, thee must show yourself right away!” he shouted. The crowd all looked around confused as they did not know who was responsible. Jake kept very quiet and tried to blend in. The hue and cry group were unable to find the culprit so the crime was reported to the sheriff.
Jake kept an eye on William the reeve’s movements and once he saw that William was out working his own strip of land he made his move, he snuck in and stole a bag that contained 20 shillings. Once Jake had got the money safely back to his cottage he hid it and went back to work so no one would notice.

Jake knew that lunch time neared as the sun was high in the sky, so he was just finishing off his final strip of ploughing when he heard the loud ear piercing noise of a horn. It was the hue and cry. Everyone left the fields and headed to the sound of the horn, Jake followed so not to raise suspicion. Once at the scene of the crime everyone gathered around to hear what William had to say. “A thief be among us, thee must show yourself right away!” he shouted. The crowd all looked around confused as they did not know who was responsible. Jake kept very quiet and tried to blend in. The hue and cry group were unable to find the culprit so the crime was reported to the sheriff.
The sheriff organised a posse to find the criminal.

It was evening just as the sun was disappearing behind the hills when there was a knock on Jake’s door, “Sire, God you keep” Jake said as he opened the door. Three of the sheriff’s men stood before him.

“Sire, God give you a good day” one of them said.

“We have come to search your property,” the man said. Jake nervously let them in. “My father is ill in bed please do not disturb him,” Jake begged.

The men searched through the cottage turning it upside down until one of them found a hidden hatch under his father's bed. One of the posse opened the hatch and found the bag of stolen coins. The men turned to see Jake making his escape through a hole in the wall that was hidden by a stack of hay, he ran for his life.
The three men were in pursuit shouting, “Halt right there, stop that thief!” As Jake looked back over his shoulder he did not see the remains of a broken cart and stumbled over it.

The chase is over - the posse have him. Jake and his father are to be hung the next day as the sun traverses a quarter past.