Book Creator

Classroom Rhymes

by Ana Radolović


Classroom Rhymes
Elementary School Svetvincenat
Grade 4, 2022/23
Let's sing!
It's spring!
Flowers grow,
very very slow.
On this beautiful day
we are going for a picnic, away.
We are ready to play and run
and to have a lot of fun!
Isn't our school so cool! :)
Alani Eni Peršić
My song
My dad is very sad,
because I didn't make his bed.

I am going to make it now,
my mum will show me how.

This is the end of my song,
I hope I didn't write something wrong.
Marina Sanković
A Silly Rhyme
I like to pass the times
by writing rhymes.
My bunny is very funny.
It doesn't like honey.
The rat is very fat.
It caught the cat.
Mia Peršić
A Creepy Rhyme
There is a vampire in school.
That is cool,
because it has a blood pool.

There is a huge rat,
running for a cat
that is fat.

There is a bat
with a spider hat.

Sorry, I know my poem
is a bit creepy,
but I'm still sleepy.
Tina Macan