Book Creator


by Rosalina Tarantino

Pages 2 and 3 of 37


Via Circumvallazione , 292
Nola (NA)
Liceo Linguistico

 - Inglese, Francese e Spagnolo
 - Sezione ESABAC
Progetti: Certificazioni Inglese, Spagnolo, Francese e Tedesco 

Stage linguistici all’estero: Certificazioni e P.C.T.O. 
Our high school, Liceo «Albertini» in Nola, is specialized
in Science, Applied Science, Music and Foreign Lang-
uages and is located in an area that is considered a
cultural region where students can receive a complete
education ranging from humanistic to scientific subjects.
Considering the difficulties and needs of adolescents, we
provide a scholastic model to enable students to
approach critically a more and more complex society and
guide them towards a conscious university choice for
their future professional careers. As we prepare students
for their future, we get them directly involved in the work
field as well.
The students of Albertini Foreign Languages High School present the Tourist Guide of Nola. Here are some monuments.
Nola lies in the south of Naples, in an area that is only 30 minutes far from major cities like Naples, Caserta, Avellino, Salerno and Benevento. In addition to this, it is very easy to reach important historical tourist attractions of famous ancient cities like Pompeii and Ercolano.
Apart from its natural beauties, which characterize our coastal towns famous all over the world, our territory has a rich local history of art, colorful traditions, and popular festivals, and, let us not forget, our world famous culinary specialities.
Nola's historical religious background is evident in the many church frescoes and magnificent neo-Renaissance Cathedral. What's more, it is well-known for being the hometown to Giordano Bruno, a great 16th-century philosopher, mathematician and poet, and birthplace of St. Felice, Nola's patron saint. Another important historic figure is St. Paolino from Bordeaux, who invented the church bell and presided as bishop of Nola in the 5th century. Thanks to his heroic act of freeing Nolans from slavery, every year in June, the town celebrates the so-called “Festa dei Gigli”, in honor of St. Paolino, a lively traditional festival full of music and dancing that draws crowds of people from all over the world. UNESCO recognized this local festival as a Human Heritage in 2013
Nola's historical religious background is evident in the many church frescoes and magnificent neo-Renaissance Cathedral. What's more, it is well-known for being the hometown to Giordano Bruno, a great 16th-century philosopher, mathematician and poet, and birthplace of St. Felice, Nola's patron saint. Another important historic figure is St. Paolino from Bordeaux, who invented the church bell and presided as bishop of Nola in the 5th century. Thanks to his heroic act of freeing Nolans from slavery, every year in June, the town celebrates the so-called “Festa dei Gigli”, in honor of St. Paolino, a lively traditional festival full of music and dancing that draws crowds of people from all over the world. UNESCO recognized this local festival as a Human Heritage in 2013
Last, but not least, in our town there are many impressive archaeological sites to visit, e.g. a Roman amphitheater and a prehistoric village, also known as the “Pompeii of the Bronze Age”. Its remains are stored in the Archaeological Museum of Nola.
Los alumnos de la escuela secundaria Albertini presentan: Nola, guía turística, algunos monumentos
Ambrogio Leone afirmó que el término Cicala procedía del griego GEA-CALOS, es decir “Tierra Bella”.
Después de la destrucción de la ciudad de Nola por mano de los Vándalos, los que sobrevivieron se refugiaron en los entornos. En la localidad llamada “Cicala” surgió un primer núcleo del futuro castillo, que data el año 460 d.C.
En 934 fue destruido y su reconstrucción, que remonta al siglo XI, tuvo función de fortaleza. En 1268 el Castillo y los alrededores llegaron a formar parte del “Condado de Nola” y el Castillo fue otorgado a Guido de Monfort como dono real.
Posteriormente Castel Cicala pasó en manos de distintas familias nobiliarias hasta los Condes Sallier de La Tour que lo donaron al Orden de los monjes “Cappuccini”.