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Systemic Racism: 1955 vs Today

by Claire Teegen

Pages 4 and 5 of 6

Thunder Bay
Indigenous People of Thunder Bay
Thunder Bay, Ontario is the home to many indigenous people. In fact, Thunder Bay has highest proportion of Aboriginal people in Canada. In Canada, everyone is supposed to be treated equally and with respect. Right now, if you look up online, Indigenous people Thunder Bay, you will find many articles about the racism within the police force towards indigenous people. This has been a problem happening for many years, and it should not be a problem today. One example of this is in early December 2018, a video was released of a police officer striking a young First Nations teen on a stretcher in the face. This was completely unnecessary and seems to be provoked by the systematic racism in the police force. Another example is how the Police deal with cases of murder of indigenous people. There have been many cases where the police have made assumptions or haven’t done much investigation just because the victim was an indigenous person. Police investigations into the deaths of nine Indigenous people in Thunder Bay were so problematic – in part because of systemic racism – that many people are recommending that they be re-opened and re-investigated. These cases have set back Thunder Bay many years and even everyone knows about the systemic racism in the police force, very little is being done about it.

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