Book Creator


by Portledge Third Graders 2020


Since we could not perform live for you, we, the 3rd graders, continued to work hard, made the best out of the situation, and have turned our original play into an audio e-book. As you flip through the pages of the e-book, you will be able to click and listen to each individual line, performed by our wonderful and talented third grade French class. Enjoy!
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Rounded Rectangle
Presented by
the Third Grade
at Portledge School
N.1- Il était une fois, une jeune fille qui s’appelait

N.2- Mais, ce n’était pas son vrai nom!

N.1- Voyez, elle était née une princesse!

N.2- Mais, après la mort de sa mère, son père épouse
une femme méchante qui a trois filles aussi
méchantes qu’elle!
N.1- Once upon a time, there was young lady who lived with her stepmother and 3 stepsisters.

N.2- Except that it was not her real name!

N.1- You see in reality, she was born a princess!

N.2- But after her mother’s death, her father marries a mean woman whose three daughters are as mean as she is!
N.1-Malheureusement, le père de Cendrillon meurt lui aussi et, c’est ainsi que…
N.2- La jolie princesse devient la servante de sa belle-mère et de ses belles-sœurs.
N.2- La jolie princesse devient la servante de sa belle-mère et de ses belles-sœurs.
N.2- La jolie princesse devient la servante de sa belle-mère et de ses belles-sœurs.
N.2- La jolie princesse devient la servante de sa belle-mère et de ses belles-sœurs.
N.1-Unfortunately, her dad dies too and that’s how…
N.1-Unfortunately, her dad dies too and that’s how…

N.2-The beautiful princess became her stepmother and stepsisters' maid.