Book Creator


by Deanna Aloisi

Pages 2 and 3 of 13

by: Deanna A.
Why did people come to America in the 1900's?
People wanted to leave their home country because of lack of food, jobs, and religious beliefs. They heard there was money to be made in the U.S.A.
Where did all the immigrants come from in 1900's?
By 1910, 70% of the immigrants coming to the U.S.A. were from Europe, Canada, & Latin America. After 1914, immigration numbers dropped because of the war. In 1920, the government put more rules limiting the number of people allowed in for each country. Many Italians, Greeks, & other Europeans came over with jobs promised to them. They worked in coal mines, steel mills, & many were farm workers in the west.
What was the Rotterdam?
The Rotterdam was a large boat that carried the immigrants to Ellis Island.
What was the arrival like?
With hope for the near future, over 11 million immigrants came in the United States of America between 1870's and 1900's.
why did people come and want to come to U.S.A.
People wanted to come to U.S.A. because famine,wars, and it was dangerous where they were.