Book Creator

Discover Health Sciences - Career Awareness

by zSpace, Inc.

Pages 22 and 23 of 97

zBook Challenge
Let's Race
Measure your own resting heart rate.  Place your pointer and middle fingers on the inside of your opposite wrist just below the thumb.
  1. Don’t use your thumb to check your pulse, as the artery in your thumb can make it harder to count accurately.
  2. Once you can feel your pulse, count how many beats you feel in 15 seconds.
  3. Multiply this number by 4 to get your heart rate. For instance, 20 beats in 15 seconds equals a heart rate of 80 beats per minute (bpm).
Next, time yourself running in place or jumping for 1 minute.  Now measure and compare your active heart rate to your resting rate. 

Materials Needed: Cotton ball and Straw
Substitute for cotton: Kleenex or paper
Substitute for straw: Roll a piece of paper around a pencil, tape it in place, remove the pencil, and use the paper tube as a straw.

Team up with a partner to complete these steps.
  1. Create a start and a finish line. Place the cotton onto the starting line.
  2. Using the straw, blow your cotton ball down the racing line
  3. Measure how many seconds it takes to reach the finish line.

Now try different blowing techniques. Does it work better when you take long, steady breaths or quick, short breaths? Vary the length of the straw (short straw/ longer straw). Does this make a difference? Can you shift from shallow breaths to diaphragm breathing? How does that help with the race?
Air Breathe Sticker by Kopfkino Werbeagentur
Pause and Consider
What did you notice? How does this relate to the zSpace activity you just explored? How does this relate to what a respiratory therapist might do?
Air Breathe Sticker by Kopfkino Werbeagentur
Next Sticker by Nespresso Österreich