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KEL-EL Outreaches

by Moore, Kelly A

Pages 4 and 5 of 26

Hi Kelly and Elesha - 
I just wanted to express my gratitude to you both for hosting students from the
Migrant Education Program (MEP) on the 15th - going to your classroom was really one of their favorite parts of the visit, especially seeing and touching the snake :)  

The engaging and welcoming experience they had is very meaningful to these students, most of whom would be the first to go to college in their families.
In addition to that, many of them have said that they see college as something for others, but not open to them. So, to have a chance to talk to other students, sit in a classroom, engage in some hands-on learning, and meet some really nice teachers is super important and will go a long way towards them seeing themselves going to college or some other post-secondary
program. So thank you for your time and attention!

I hope we can continue to be partners going forward, and hopefully, you will meet some of those same students in your classrooms one day :) 

Thank you, 
Molly Morrill
K-12 Services Coordinator
Tennessee Migrant Education Program 
Arroyo Research Services 
Country Meadows Mobile Home Park
Sevier County ESL Community Outreach
50 plus students
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