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Hello From Video3media


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Building relationships
You may be pleased to know that our business has been built around strong relationships with decision makers and influencers in the health and social care sector, so we’re able to bring a strong understanding of the issues and drivers to any discussions.
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Complete transparency
Since we began in 2006, we have developed an enviable reputation for delivering a quality service that’s easy to access and very cost effective. We have a proven track record in both delivery and reliability and we are always happy to provide references on request.
We are completely transparent in our pricing; the price we quote is the price the client pays with no hidden extras.
Our clients include The Scottish Government Health Directorate, NHS Health Scotland, NHS24 Scotland, National Services Scotland and the Scottish Ambulance Service.
For further information please contact our Business Development Manager, Brenda McAllister, on 07856 842467 or email Brenda at
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