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I Don't Know

by Ajay Pandya

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The Middle Colonies
By: Ajay P.
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If your a Quaker come to Pennsylvania.
Here are some reasons the Middle Colony was founded.
1. The first reason was there was more room for settlers and people needed room to farm and build more houses.
2.Unlike the Southern Colonies it was safe for Quakers to live.
Reason for Founding
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The Middle colonies
The Middle colonies geography was good unlike the New England colonies because they had good soil, coal, iron and copper, and there winters were cold.
Middle Colonies 
The Middle colonies economy was way different then the New England colonies and the Southern colonies economy because the Middle colonies had iron, deep rivers, merchants and better farming. New England and the Southern colonies fished, wailing, built ships, grew tabbaco, cotton, and Indigo.
You should come to the middle colonies
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I think you should come to the middle colonies because it was home to one of the most important men in the world who is Ben Franklin. Also Philadelphia has cool streets and long streets so it's easy to get around.

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